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Take a look at our past winners!


Step 1


Upload a photo on our Facebook page

or tag us on your photo on Instagram @pedipedsg

P.S. Hashtag #pedipedsgphoto
Submission Period:

1st-14th of Each Month1
Step 2


Invite your friends to vote for your photo, and share it too!


(Voting link will be open during the Voting Period.)
Voting Period:

16th-22nd of Each Month
Step 3


Wait for it! We will announce the winner on Facebook and Instagram so keep a look out!

For all participants, get 20% off your next order on Everybody walks away a winner!2
Winner Announcement:
24th of Each Month
1 Missed the deadline to upload a photo? Don’t worry! Any submissions received after the 14th of each month, will be considered in the following month!

2 All participants will receive a discount coupon on Coupon is valid for a month upon receipt. Email with your contact details to receive the coupon.


  1. How do I participate?

    Just share a photo of your child in pediped® footwear, on our Facebook page ( or tag us on Instagram @pedipedsg to submit your photo!
  2. Who may participate?

    The contest is open to all residents of Singapore. Participants submitting photos must be the parent or legal guardian of the child featured in the photo and must be ready, if requested, to provide proof of that fact.
  3. How many times can I submit my photo?

    You may participate once every month.All photos submitted will be considered for the win!
  4. Can I submit a previously submitted photo or an old photo?

    A repeated submission will not be considered.All photos must be recent and must portray how the child appears at the time of submission.
  5. What if I submit a photo with more than one child wearing pediped® footwear?

    The entirety of the photo will be considered in the selection of the winner. However, only one pair of shoes will be provided to the winner.
  6. I won! What happens next?

    Congratulations! Contact with your contact details.

    The pediped® team will contact you regarding prize collection. Winning participant will be requested to collect the prize at the pediped® Singapore office, at a stipulated time and date.
  7. Can I remove my submission?

    Yes, you may. You may delete the photo from the various social networking accounts and email us at to inform us of your withdrawal.
  8. How are the winners selected?

    All submissions are considered based on (1) number of votes and (2) selection by the judging panel.

    Eligible submissions will be judged using the following subjective criteria: (1) cuteness and expressiveness of the child in the photo; (2) consistency with pediped® footwear’s brand equity and corporate image. The submission that best meets the judging criteria in the opinion of the pediped® judging panel in their sole discretion will be deemed the Photo Contest winner.
  9. How will my submitted photos be used?

    Your submission may be displayed on pediped® Singapore’s website and social media accounts. Additionally, it may be used in other manners determined by the pediped® Singapore marketing team, not excluding use in promotional and marketing materials.

Terms & Conditions

By submitting the photo(s) and other information, you represent and agree that (a) you are the parent or legal guardian of the child with authority to submit the photo, provide the information and comment, and agree to these terms, and (b) you grant us full rights to reproduct and publish the photograph, with or without the accompanying information and comment, and otherwise use any or all of them in marketing and advertising materials, such as on our website, in catalogues, in social media, and in advertisements. The grant of rights is effective worldwide, for an unlimited number of times, applicable to all media and means of use now known and hereafter conceived and applicable, without any obligation for payment, to us and to entities acting with our consent. You also understand and agree that the photo and accompanying name, address and comment may be cropped, edited and otherwise altered, in pediped's® discretion, to accommodate the permitted uses and that pediped® may transfer its rights in whole or part under these terms. We cannot guarantee, however, that the submitted photo, information and comment will actually be used.
News Letter